امام ابو داؤد ؒ کا سنن ابوداؤد میں صحیح بخاری کے تراجم ابواب سے اخذ و استفادہ؛ تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Hadith is an important source of Shari'ah, which was collected and edited through different stages and methods and many books were written. Among these books of hadith, Sahih Sita has a special importance and then among the six books of Ahadith, Sunan Abu Dawud because of its special method. It is of particular importance, especially because of Imam Abu Dawud's own terms, the authors of these books made good use of each other's styles and methods, especially with reference to the chapters. made good use of the written sources of, there are many examples of this in Kitab al-Tafseer. Abu Ubayd Qasim bin Salam's book Al-Imwtta quoted sayings and used al-Muta Imam Malik in writing. The author benefited from the written sources of Abd al-Zarzaq and his teachers, especially Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ali bin Al-Madaini, Ishaq bin Rahawiya, Yahya bin Moin, and above all from the books of Imam Shafi'i, Muhammad bin Ishaq. And it is to be mentioned that even after him; the great hadiths used the methods and methods of Sahih Bukhari and developed this method, which gave a good answer to the deniers and the people of Isthiraq. It was oral. In this paper, it is clear from the principle of establishing chapters of Imam Abu Dawud that he considered the collection of muhaddiths before him and adopted their method in writing the documents and texts and Chapters. There is a continuing written tradition of the use of and the Muhaddith who came later benefited from the books of these imams, especially by deriving interpretations, hadiths, biographies and jurisprudential issues.

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سنن ابو داود ،اردو ،،١/٦٩
Sunan Abu Dāwood, Urdu, 69:1
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سنن ابو داود ،اردو ،١/٧٢
Sunan Abu Dawood, Urdu, 72:1
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Sunan Abu Dāwood, p 351
النساء4: 19
Alnisa: 19
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Sunan Abu Dāwood, bab 2
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Sunan Abu Dāwood, bab 33-34
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Sunan Abu Dāwood, pag 364