Strategies to Promote Lifelong Learning by Teachers: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Schools
Learning is a never-ending process, yet, many teachers are unaware of its deliberate implementation and practical strategies. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the purpose of a) examining lifelong learning promoting strategies by teachers and b) comparing lifelong learning promoting strategies among public and private school teachers. For this purpose, a survey was taken, and data were collected from 78 teachers (45 public and 33 private school teachers) using a cluster sampling technique. The data was collected by using researcher developed lifelong learning promoting strategies survey. The survey contained 25 statements and five dimensions of lifelong learning i.e., support personalized learning, curricular alignment, encourage anytime learning attitude, promote students' autonomy, and provide helpful information with a Cronbach alpha of 0.976. An Independent sample t-test was performed, and the results showed no statistically significant difference in lifelong learning strategies survey scores of public and private school teachers with a 0.4% effect size. The study's results can promote learners' autonomy and utilize teaching strategies in both streams of the education sector that encourage learning beyond the classroom and strengthen the link between education and the job market.

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