Leadership Practices for Promoting Inclusive ESL Education: A Qualitative Inquiry at Primary School Level
This qualitative inquiry explores leadership practices for promoting inclusive English as a Second Language (ESL) education in primary schools, focusing on the context of Karachi, Pakistan. Principals from a purposive sample of primary schools were interviewed to gain insights into their strategies, challenges, and perceptions of effectiveness in fostering ESL inclusivity. The study aligns with transformational and distributed leadership theories, emphasizing collaborative decision-making, positive school culture, and adaptability to contextual factors. Challenges identified include resource constraints and the need for ongoing professional development. Principals perceive the effectiveness of their practices through improved student engagement, academic performance, and increased cultural awareness. The findings contribute to the existing literature on educational leadership, ESL education, and inclusive schooling, offering valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and researchers aiming to enhance ESL inclusivity in primary schools. The study acknowledges its limitations and suggests avenues for future research to further enrich the understanding of effective leadership in diverse educational contexts.

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