
Shaher Bano
Dr. Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal


The aim of this research is to study the effects of social intelligence on the academic achievement of students at university level. Education is a powerful instrument for the change in the society. It was basically descriptive research in nature and for the collection of data survey method was used. The questionnaire was used to collect data from participants. The population of this research was students of University of Okara and University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Sub- campus Depalpur/Okara). Sample of this study was 336 students from 7 Arts and Science departments. The tool used in the study was Chadha and Ganesan Social Intelligence Scale (1986) and the GPA were obtained from the students of 6th semester. 180 male and 156 females were the part of this. 203 students belonged to urban area and 133 were from rural area. The data was analyzed by applying mean, S.D, t-test, ANOVA and percentage. The analysis of the data revealed that the effects of social intelligence on the academic achievement of students at university level was more positive than negative on the basis of demographics.



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