The Discovery of Truth through Pure Intellect and Sense Perception: A Critical Study of HayyIbn e Yaqzan by Ibn e Tufail


Asma Hamid


The work of IbnTufail is a synthesis of all Muslim philosophy.  In his work, he focused on the personal growth of the individual man and the ways to fulfill his personal fulfillment without the aid of revelation and society. Almost all philosophers agreed upon the idea that a man can recognize and discover “Truth “on the basis of sense perception and pure intellect. This paper is an attempt to explicit the importance of numerous features of IbnTufail’s work. The purpose of this paper is to see how IbnTufayl raised educational issues in his novel such as education, personal progress, how human development takes place, and how a person can achieve fulfillment.

The main source used in this paper is the original text of the book HayyIbnYaqzan translated by Simon Ockley and an article by GurbuzDeniz published in theJournalof  Islamic Research



Deniz, G. (2008). Hayy Ibn Yaqzan and its Quranic references. Journal of Islamic Research, 1, 33-50.
Goichon, A, M. (1971).Hayy b.Yakzan. The Encyclopedia of Islam, (New Edition)
Sami S, H,. (1973). IbnTufayl’sHayyb.Yaqzan: Its Structure, Literary Aspects, and Method, Islamic Culture, v. 47
Tufail, A. B. (n.d.). The history of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan. (S. Ockley, Trans.) New York: Frederick A Strokes Company.
Tufayl, I. (2001).Hayyb.Yaqzan, (ed.). Albert Nasrî Nader. Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq.