Investigation of Use of Cooperative Learning Techniques for Mathematics In Elementary Level


Gulnaz Hameed
Sehrish Khan
Shabana Manzoor


This action research study employed a quantitative research method, to examine the effects of cooperative learning techniques for mathematics at elementary level students who faced difficulties in mathematics. All elementary level students enrolled in public schools of Lahore district were considered as the population. Researcher used convenience sampling technique. Sample of the study was 50 students of grade 6th in one public school. For four weeks, students were taught through the cooperative learning techniques. A paper-pencil pre-test & post-test after validating it through experts and the reflections of lesson plans were used as an instrument to collect the data. Pre-test & post-test consisted of 20 problems related to their math syllabus. The total score of the test was 20. Tests administered in the presence of class teachers by the researcher. Pre- and post-test results were compared using descriptive statistics and t-test. The post-test score was higher than the pre-test score, indicating that the researcher's cooperative learning techniques for mathematics in the classroom improved elementary students' performance in the assessed area.



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