With the everchanging focus on different methodologies of teaching a foreign or second language, researchers have been arguing for or against the use of mother-tongue, especially in the context of English language classrooms from teachers' perspectives. Those against codeswitching liken second language learning with first language acquisition or consider the target language and mother tongue as two very distinct entities in the brain and favor its exclusive use in the classroom for maximizing students' exposure to the target language. However, recent research in bilingualism and multilingualism favors a moderate use of the mother tongue. The question arises what is the best practice to adopt for instructors or to what extent the use of L1 is justified to make the process of learning L2 more effective. To investigate students' attitudes towards code-switching, we collected data from the students of various linguistic and cultural backgrounds. They included: Pakistani learners of EFL at a Pakistani University with a Pakistani teacher where students and teachers share the same L1 or lingua franca, that is, Urdu; Afghan EFL students having Pashto/Persian as their L1 and being taught at a Pakistani university by a Pakistani instructor having Urdu as L1; and International multilingual learners learning Hindi as a foreign language at an American University i.e., Michigan State University with an Indian instructor whose mother tongue is Hindi but she uses English with family and in everyday conversations. The students in this group speak English or Spanish as their languge of conversation at home. They use English as a lingua franca while studying with American students. Anova used to analyse the data revealed that no matter what the cultural background of the students is, they have a positive attitude towards codeswitching, and consider it a beneficial tool to improve their linguistic abilities in the target language and to clarify some concepts.

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