احادیث طیبہ کی روشنی میں صارفین کے حقوق کا تعیّن DETERMINATION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS IN THE LIGHT OF BLESSED HADITHS Section Islamic Studies
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) brought the complete Shariah, encompassing all aspects of our lives. Just as he elucidated beliefs and actions through his own conduct, he also provided guidance on economic and social matters. Thus, like other facets of life, comprehensive guidance on economic matters is obtained from the Sunnah of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Principles and regulations of transactions, rulings on halal and haram items, the ethics of buying and selling, and the limits and conditions related to commerce are detailed. Solutions to the challenges encountered in commercial transactions can also be sought in the light of these blessed traditions.
Every individual in the world is a consumer and inevitably relies on goods prepared by others at some stage. While the West contemplated consumer rights much later, the Mercy to the Worlds, Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), delineated the rights of consumers over 1,400 years ago. This paper compiles selected narrations from the Hadith literature, specifically related to contracts and, particularly, the protection of consumer rights.
Keywords: Hadith, Consumer, Consumer Rights
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