"ادراکی تنقید":نئی ادبی تنقیدی روایت کا تشکیلی و تفہیمی مطالعہ (PERCEPTUALISM: A CONSTRUCTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE NEW LITERARY CRITICISM THEORY) Section Urdu Literature


ڈاکٹر اسد محمود خان


The research endeavors to engage in a comprehensive and constructive analysis of the emerging literary criticism theory termed "Perceptualism." This innovative approach marks a departure from usual literary criticism paradigms, introducing a nuanced framework that centers on the subjective and experiential dimensions of individual perception. Drawing inspiration from cognitive science, psychology, and linguistic theory, Perceptualism explores the intricate interplay between individual perception and literary interpretation. The study delves into the theoretical foundations of this novel approach, scrutinizing its key components, such as the role of perception processes, the influence of reader experience, and the dynamic relationship between creativity and imagery. By examining notable works and critiques within the "Perceptual Criticism" framework, the research aims to delineate the unique contributions, challenges, and potential implications of this evolving literary theory. Through a constructive analysis, the study seeks to elucidate the theoretical underpinnings of "Perceptual Criticism" and its relevance within the broader landscape of contemporary literary studies.
